Player profile: Spectre

ZELO: 1211
Played matches (official): 164
Won: 98 (60%)
Lost: 66 (40%)
First official match: 2010-04-24 05:52:21 UTC
Last official match: 2012-07-10 00:11:31 UTC
Status: inactive
Aliases: Anathema, Big Old Bad Bucko, Insomnia, Spambot
Contact player: official BZFlag forum profile

Last 20 matches (official)

Date Match winner  vs  The other one :o) Score Duration Style Type Server
2012-07-10 00:11:31 Spectre - Dazzling124 10-2 9min 51sec hix official
2012-07-08 06:42:47 Spectre - Jim 10-6 11min 40sec hix official
2012-07-06 23:42:19 Spectre - Dazzling124 10-1 7min 34sec hix official
2012-07-02 22:05:51 Spectre - Dazzling124 10-1 6min 08sec hix official
2012-06-25 05:31:23 Spectre - Jim 10-7 26min 02sec hix official
2012-04-23 02:51:59 Spectre - Runruns 10-4 8min 26sec hix official
2012-03-29 03:36:36 Spectre - mochawarrior 10-8 7min 56sec hix official
2012-03-26 00:51:29 Spectre - Irrefutable 10-1 5min 25sec hix official
2012-03-26 00:45:43 Spectre - Irrefutable 10-6 7min 57sec hix official
2012-03-19 23:13:47 Spectre - SkillDude 10-8 8min 21sec hix official
2012-03-19 23:04:29 Spectre - SkillDude 10-8 9min 53sec hix official
2012-01-22 03:46:51 Spectre - Snake12534 10-1 4min 25sec hix official
2012-01-22 03:42:00 Spectre - Snake12534 10-2 4min 31sec hix official
2012-01-21 20:32:54 Spectre - MlG 10-1 7min 39sec hix official
2012-01-21 20:24:42 Spectre - mdskpr 10-6 8min 59sec hix official
2012-01-18 03:37:12 Spectre - Snake12534 10-3 5min 27sec hix official
2012-01-18 03:31:23 Spectre - Snake12534 10-3 5min 02sec hix official
2012-01-01 18:22:35 Spectre - Fear 10-3 12min 54sec hix official
2011-11-26 06:06:31 Spectre - Coolby 10-6 6min 21sec hix official
2011-11-26 05:59:28 Spectre - Yvaika 10-7 10min 36sec hix official

Opponent summary (registered)
Sorted by #matches

Opponent Last match Victories Defeats Total
Yvaika (1227) 2011-11-26 05:59:28 29 12 41
RUDD (854) 2011-02-26 02:37:23 23 4 27
Zac (1487) 2010-11-29 02:44:40 0 16 16
Tane (1275) 2010-10-16 19:08:46 1 10 11
Coolby (722) 2011-11-26 06:06:31 3 2 5
honeytank (841) 2010-09-05 20:18:44 4 1 5
Dr Robotnik (784) 2010-11-20 02:55:17 4 0 4
Flag Alert!!! (1056) 2010-08-21 22:25:30 2 2 4
Snake12534 (605) 2012-01-22 03:46:51 4 0 4
surftank (789) 2010-10-24 05:35:53 3 1 4
bart (938) 2010-04-24 20:05:26 2 1 3
Dazzling124 (685) 2012-07-10 00:11:31 3 0 3
SkillDude (1305) 2012-03-19 23:13:47 2 1 3
djpenguin (1120) 2011-02-26 02:46:58 0 2 2
Irrefutable (1388) 2012-03-26 00:51:29 2 0 2
Jacko H (1119) 2010-06-12 07:17:13 1 1 2
Jim (1092) 2012-07-08 06:42:47 2 0 2
mahem1 (977) 2010-12-14 02:53:05 2 0 2
The Secret (705) 2010-09-11 17:59:04 1 1 2
xXDragonXx (1200) 2010-08-21 16:56:15 0 2 2
-panda- (1526) 2011-01-02 21:50:35 0 1 1
allejo (921) 2010-08-29 01:54:05 1 0 1
Bambino (1016) 2010-06-17 17:48:58 0 1 1
Black Mage (1187) 2010-06-10 13:55:06 0 1 1
clarahobbs (754) 2010-05-14 03:13:38 1 0 1
Colorm4d (964) 2010-05-19 03:17:39 0 1 1
Fear (983) 2012-01-01 18:22:35 1 0 1
Gabriel G (1250) 2010-09-11 02:03:31 0 1 1
hj (1326) 2011-02-19 02:41:45 0 1 1
kajo (1114) 2010-09-11 20:01:45 0 1 1
Keke Jaakko (808) 2010-08-16 02:08:14 1 0 1
Krissitoff (1081) 2010-11-29 02:52:35 0 1 1
LegoMan (1004) 2010-06-28 19:32:31 0 1 1
mdskpr (893) 2012-01-21 20:24:42 1 0 1
MlG (1028) 2012-01-21 20:32:54 1 0 1
mochawarrior (763) 2012-03-29 03:36:36 1 0 1
Runruns (735) 2012-04-23 02:51:59 1 0 1
Scythio (861) 2010-10-03 19:18:17 1 0 1
Sookie Stackhouse (684) 2010-06-21 04:34:28 1 0 1
the minne missile (1257) 2010-11-15 01:50:53 0 1 1