The 1vs1 BZFlag League is one of the oldest BZFlag leagues. In difference to all the other team-based leagues (Links) it aims to be a simple one where you can easily jump in for a match (or more) on one of the three available maps (classic, fancy, hix). These matches can either be just for fun or official (Info & Rules).

You're welcome to give it a try! :o)

Top 10 of this month

Position Player (Zelo) Score Matches
1 Soraya (1358) 9 3
2 mudfreak (1038) 7 5
3 GEP (1249) 4 2

View the entire ladder for February 2025
View the Monthly trophy activity Top 20

Almost Fresh News!

  • 2025-01-01 - Happy New Year 2025! :o)

    2024 in facts & numbers:
    • 427 official matches were played of which 170 matches were fought out during the 20th Anniversary Tournament.
    • 8 inofficial matches were played to test the map Dragon's Den as 1vs1 map. The number of test matches is not sufficient to make it an official 1vs1 map, yet.
    • 45 players were actively playing 1vs1 matches and 13 new players joined the league
    • 8 of 12 monthly trophies were won by mudfreak - well done!
    Have fun and happy tanking in 2025! ;o)

  • 2024-08-17 - Congratulations to Moroni - winner of the 20th anniversary 1vs1 Tournament!
    A big thank-you to all participating players, the match server owners and the organisers. You all made the 20th anniversary tournament to a success. :o)

How can I join in? Where can I play?

The BZBB sub forum "1vs1 League Discussion" is our place for any kind of league related communication.

Use strayer's BZstats page to find registered 1vs1 players!