Player profile: Gollum

ZELO: 780
Played matches (official): 39
Won: 4 (10%)
Lost: 35 (90%)
First official match: 2004-11-15 00:21:46 UTC
Last official match: 2010-07-26 19:37:26 UTC
Status: inactive
Aliases: Faker, Hyfal, Icky Thump, iObserve, Kennen, Rengar
Contact player: official BZFlag forum profile

Last 20 matches (official)

Date Match winner  vs  The other one :o) Score Duration Style Type Server
2010-07-26 19:37:26 Gollum - RUDD 10-6 3min 20sec classic official
2010-07-26 19:33:29 Gollum - RUDD 10-7 4min 49sec classic official
2010-07-07 04:33:29 Zac - Gollum 10-9 6min 08sec classic official
2010-07-07 04:26:35 Zac - Gollum 10-5 3min 51sec classic official
2010-07-03 12:06:48 lucky luke - Gollum 10-3 7min 13sec hix official
2010-07-03 11:51:25 Zac - Gollum 10-2 3min 20sec classic official
2010-06-09 00:30:58 LegoMan - Gollum 10-8 15min 58sec hix official
2010-04-03 06:26:44 Oh No - Gollum 10-9 4min 22sec classic official
2010-04-03 06:21:46 Oh No - Gollum 10-9 4min 54sec classic official
2010-04-03 06:16:00 Zac - Gollum 10-5 6min 06sec classic official
2010-04-03 06:08:53 Zac - Gollum 10-2 3min 47sec classic official
2009-12-21 02:52:13 Gollum - Whip of Thunder 10-3 4min 55sec classic official
2009-12-18 06:26:53 Gollum - Keke Jaakko 10-7 4min 50sec classic official
2009-12-18 06:21:40 Keke Jaakko - Gollum 10-9 6min 39sec classic official
2009-12-18 06:14:42 Keke Jaakko - Gollum 10-7 5min 03sec classic official
2009-12-09 20:04:34 Odysseus - Gollum 10-4 5min 11sec classic official
2009-11-26 02:57:01 tanky - Gollum 10-9 13min 30sec hix official
2005-08-14 00:54:14 zer0 - Gollum 10-2 --- classic official ---
2005-07-10 00:43:52 brad - Gollum 10-2 --- classic official ---
2005-07-03 00:42:51 click click boom - Gollum 10-6 --- classic official ---

Opponent summary (registered)
Sorted by #matches

Opponent Last match Victories Defeats Total
zer0 (1053) 2005-08-14 00:54:14 0 12 12
Zac (1487) 2010-07-07 04:33:29 0 5 5
Keke Jaakko (808) 2009-12-18 06:26:53 1 2 3
zongo (1030) 2004-11-20 00:21:56 0 3 3
brad (1457) 2005-07-10 00:43:52 0 2 2
click click boom (1612) 2005-07-03 00:42:51 0 2 2
Oh No (794) 2010-04-03 06:26:44 0 2 2
RUDD (854) 2010-07-26 19:37:26 2 0 2
DarthValou (547) 2004-11-15 00:21:50 0 1 1
LegoMan (1004) 2010-06-09 00:30:58 0 1 1
lucky luke (1024) 2010-07-03 12:06:48 0 1 1
Mr_Molez (1254) 2005-04-03 00:29:17 0 1 1
Odysseus (1146) 2009-12-09 20:04:34 0 1 1
tanky (945) 2009-11-26 02:57:01 0 1 1
Whip of Thunder (472) 2009-12-21 02:52:13 1 0 1
wizard (1488) 2004-11-20 00:21:57 0 1 1